it's been a while, life has been SO crazy!! :) Trying to live out life right now, enjoy, and release my fears. God is SOO good (all times) and compassionate towards this wandering soul.
i will be checking back soon, as i have some exciting thngs to share about this summer!

As we all travel on our journeys, our paths cross, intertwining, run parallel to and veer away from others and our envisioned destinies. Always bear in mind that, however frustrating the weaving and winding may be, we shall always come to rest exactly where we are meant to be. as people enter, depart, and possibly reenter your life, hold on to the fact that some will be permanent and some will be seasonal; never fear to grieve for those you've loved and lost, but remember to not let your grief cloud your head and heart or you may block the entrance of new acquaintances. Honor those who are constant and shower them with appreciation at every opportunity to further strengthen the bond. as plans are altered slightly or changed completely, take heart in the notion of experiencing life in all of its glorious variety. Mistakes are not losses, but rather lessons learned so extract the value and release the pain and discomfort. Embrace the vast differences the universe offers in all aspects and acknowledge the beauty of it all. And always be flexible enough to bend so that you will never break.
Had an amazing talk today with a good friend, he constantly reminds me of the beauty of God's purpose for me, and the uncommon life that awaits me. SOO inspired! :)
this also has really inspired me and tied perfectly with what my heart is feeling:
"I want to be un-common.
Go to your place. Dispatch your abilities, and unfurl my goodness. Most refuse. Few cooperate. We accept the present, but neglect it’s purpose. We accept the gift, thankyou, but ignore the Giver and promote self. Why, some of us have been known to parade up and Down the aisles, shouting, “Hey, look at me! “
Need an explanation for the anarchy in the world? You just read it. When you centre-stage your gifts and I pump my image and no one gives a lick about honoring God, dare we expect anything short of chaos?
God endows us with gifts so we can make him known. Period".
Max Lucado, Cure for the Common Life