Every beat of my heart i want to live in worship.
The Father has infinitely inspired me in these past few months, He moves me in such a away that makes me only want to be present.
I want my life to be a song that sings of freedom, of a girl who seeks peace and justice everywhere she goes, i want to love, love, love.
From May till now, I've been quiet with my own writing, I've struggled, I've matured, I've fallen, i've gotten up, I've moved on, I've learned to love again, to forgive- but most importantly I've learned to be present.
I've reencountered a passion for community that I thought was lost, I have realized that my love for justice is deep rooted in my love for latin america, but that those roots bring me back here, Hamilton.
I dream of a language that would unite us all, that would bring the Church to what it was originally meant to be, instead of waiting i want to be part of that process, i want to be part of the artistry that continues to create Kingdom within our communities.
As communities our duty is to love, despite our differences we are called to LOVE.
I have the privilege of being the daughter of two of the most amazing people i know, my parents selflessness and care for their fellow brother and sister has been contagious and has been a driving force in forming the person I am today.
Recently we dealt with the passing of my dad's best friend whom because of the war in El Salvador was left as an orphan at a very young age, Matias didn't have any blood family, but he had us. In life and in death, we are called to love, we are called to envelop people with that beautiful grace Jesus so willingly gives us. Being an immigrant or refugee forces you to breathe struggle, to breathe fight, the injustices of the countries that are left behind are for ever imprinted in the spirit. The passion of the latin american community drives me to keep working towards the dreams that I hold close to my heart but that i willingly share. I refuse to forget that at this moment there are children abandoned on the street, i refuse to forget those that do not have a voice, the right to education, the right to living without war and violence. I refuse to forget those that are forgotten, the war in El Salvador 'ended' in 1992, but the many children left abandoned are still abandoned, Matias was one of those children. His passing has really pierced my spirit, because as a community we often forget what a small gesture, smile or act of kindness can do for someone that is alone. Let us be reminded of the people we get angry at in the Tim Hortons line, or the person we are screaming at in traffic, or the homeless person we pass by on the way to work, everyone has a story, shall we listen, love and be the community we are meant to be?
Aqui se respira lucha
Here we breathe struggle
This is a struggle with a happy ending, we must choose that happy ending, the storm passes and justice prevails. I often struggle with all the wonderful things God has given me, but the thing is even though I may not be ready to receive or be who He has made me to be, I am ready and worthy in His eyes.
"Qué pequeñas son mis manos en relación con todo lo que la vida ha querido darme"
-Ramón J. Sénder
"How small are my hands in relation to all that Life has wanted to give me"
-Ramón J. Sénder
I am constantly given opportunities to see God's amazing purpose and love in others, i see it every week at the Hamilton Community Legal Clinic, I see it in Santiago's love and work with Refugees, I see it in Minnelle's commitment to bringing dignity and compassion at the funeral home, I see it in Nate every time he shares his music and vision with the world, in Alanna when she shares the musings of her wonderful spirit as she so deeply loves God's heart and wants to see a change in this world, In Carlos' untainted love and passion for art (and Easter Island ;) ), in Erica as she passes on her passion for learning and discovering, and in Ken as he embarks on his amazing journey in Ecuador- My dear friends, my family- your dreams help my heart keep beating. Thank you for being those beams of light on this earth.
Let's hear it for love!