Monday, October 24, 2011

"The freedom we are looking for is the freedom to be ourselves"

'Get to know yourself'- Photograph by Carlos Roche (Trako)

I've often underestimated the time I've needed to spend by myself, with such a fast pace schedule- i rarely get the time to appreciate the beauty around me. These past two weeks, were full of overcoming and disarming my heart.
Im learning that the necessity of a smile and a kind word are worth more than gold, and the appreciation of a stranger, is often proving to make my day.

More than ever have I needed to be free to love with a love that is simple, direct and open to anyone at any time, in the unshakable conviction that such love can cast out all fear and overcome all the powers of destruction and death.

lets be honest, i really miss being out in the world, delving into unknown cultures, getting lost in the amazon and discovering new people to love, i miss it, however there seems to be a connection between all us people that travel away from home- i love how the universe works, it is such a small world, and no one is actually a stranger.

Two weeks ago, during the Hispanic Heritage week, we were able to connect with some pretty amazing people, people that have ceased to inspire me. This is why i feel that community is so important, especially the unity among people that want the common good. i was blown away by our artists, our volunteers and the people that came out to support us, things are only a great endeavor when they are shared.

Two people that have inspired me the most are Rocio and Carlos.

Rocio is one of the directors in the association, I've always insisted in her sharing her art with us, this time around she painted some of the most passionate pieces Ive seen in a long time. The meaning, the history and the courage behind each piece served as an answer to the risks Ive been afraid to take in being who i am. being desirous of the uncommon things, always wanting freedom and allowing the beauty of justice to frame may way of thinking- SO inspiring (i hope to have pictures of her art soon, to share with all of you). Paintings with a passionate conscience, absolutely breath taking pieces, that depict stories that are all to real in our countries, but that also offer hope and redemption. Beautiful!

Carlos and i met only about a month ago, in the crazy turns that life takes, we were connected by my love of art and his ability to capture beautiful images. After much insisting jaja (just kidding), he displayed his 2010 South American Photography exhibit at two of our events during the Hispanic Heritage week and did us the honour of taking pictures at our Folklore concert. Ive always thought that being able to take pictures is easy, focusing on the subject and taking the shot. However, capturing moments that are held in time by one click, is not easy and not common to many. I was brought back to my trips to South America as i looked through Carlos' pictures, although we visited these countries at different times, it was as if what i could remember had been held in that photograph for me to reminisce and long for. Thank you for the inspiration :)
You can checkout his AMAZING work here

and be on the look out for some new upcoming projects we will be working on soon, EXCITED! :)

To be honest i started this post last week, but school work and exhaustion had caught on, rest i miss you :( jaja two more midterms and im free as a bird for another few weeks.
and in case anyone is interested 60 more days till CHRISTMAS!!!!! :D lol jaja

my love to all!

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