Tuesday, November 29, 2011

You can feel the tide turning

This picture above describes who I've always been, jaja i love to wander, i love to dream,to fly, to love, to go off to foreign places,BUT time is at a stand still right now. with so many dreams, and places to go, I'm on a mission here.

Our world seems to be falling apart, with natural disasters, financial markets crashing, famine crises, and diseases plaguing nations, many of us are inclined to lose hope.

Every day, every minute, every second, i get a second chance, my hope is restored. As i hear of aboriginal leaders standing up for their rights in the Amazon, as i hear of a young American girl leaving it all behind to help orphans in Haiti, as i see the updates of my friend Dan and his wife in Africa, or as i hear the stories of my friend Ken in Vancouver as he builds relationships with those living on the streets. my hope is restored.

My eyes water, whenever i think of the people i have met on my trips, the lives that are imprinted in my heart forever, how i wish to see them again. You see, i used to think i was going to go out in to the world and change it, but i was in for a great surprise, as i opened up my eyes and heart, my world was changed. That's why i hope, that's why i hope with all I have.

Today i remembered Hermosinda, the cook at the ecolodge in the Amazon in Bolivia, her vibrant personality, her kindness and her desire to make the whole team feel loved. Sigh' you see its hard to forget people like that, people that bring flickers of hope in to your heart, when you are supposed to be the 'world changer'. I wonder how she is... She lit up my life.

Sometimes i smile to myself when i think of Miriam, Miriam stole my heart, her little four year old wit, laughter and love, crept in to my heart, she made my time in Tanzania all worth it. For the first little while you see, we thought Miriam couldn't speak English, until one day she started singing, the fugees to us jaja. Time stood still one day, when we found out Miriam had Malaria, normal for them, a disease that kills people for us. I wonder how she is... She lit up my life.

Monsenor Ayala's kindness always reminds me of what Grace is, all of the atrocities this man witnessed in El Salvador, yet his love and compassion for the people only got stronger. The patience he showed me, while telling me his story, sharing his church, home and food with the team, unbelievable. Hope, alive. I will not forget the words he said to me; "your fire, your fire is stronger then mine, mine is extinguishing I'm getting old, but your fire, just keep lighting it, and you will change the world". I wonder how He is... He lit up my life.

I've been realizing that perhaps my desire for travel, for new places, for the heat of the deserts, and the rain of the amazon, and the chill of the Andes mountains, is only my desire to meet more people like these wonderful human beings i have spoken about. The love each of them shared with me, makes me desire more of that. A little task list check mark for me in these next few days, is to get in contact with them, because relationships that light up your life are not for darker days. They are the roar of Hope, that intrudes into your heart, will you light up the world?

If going out in to the world has taught me one thing, its that when love is shared, there is nothing that can diminish the change a smile, a meal, a conversation and a goodbye hug can bring in to someones life. If there is one thing you will do today, be grateful for the beauty and freedom around you, and love the heck out of people. The most ferocious disease in this world is not cancer, or aids it is loneliness. If you want to change the world, stay where you are, and love those around you.

And you will feel the tide turning, because love is what makes this world revolve

That's why I Hope, That's why I hope with all i have.

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