Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The tempo of my heartbeat

Ever stand in the middle of a field and let the wind just take possession?
In that moment do you find yourself invincible, do you allow yourself to be hopeful, full of peace and free?
does changing the world seem like the only option?

Ive had moments like that.
there was one moment in particular that changed me, while i was in the Bolivian Amazon, we would take day trips in to the town. We would spend an hour traveling by canoe, in the midst of mountains, trees, open water. I felt totally enveloped in the essence of the Creator. It has been to this day, one of the most amazing times in Worship for me. As the canoe would take off, all my heart wanted to do was give thanks and sing. The water was constant but still, there was a peace about the rhythm in the river that reminded me of God's heart beat. Strong waters, allowing a canoe to pass through its beating waves.
The tempo of my heartbeat adjusts to match the moment, and as my heart adjusts, so does God's, the way He loves each and everyone of of us, is unique to us, the surrendered love of the Father for his children is met with an, 'I know you'.

To be known, to be known as a daughter, to be loved by a love unmatched by words, consumed by the essence of His heartbeat, the only answer to give is, I am here, I am present.

But why only live for moments? Be present, allowing the essence of God to envelope us, to teach us, to walk with us, to love us.

When I realize I am not a broken daughter, but just His daughter, the only option for me is to change this world, is to love, to fight and break free of complacency.

The tempo of my heartbeat adjusts to match the moment, to match the hurt in my campesino friends eyes as they describe the war in El Salvador

The tempo of my heartbeat adjusts to match the moment, to match the hope the boys in Casa Hogar orphanage have in Venezuela

The tempo of my heartbeat adjusts to match the moment, when I walk in Toronto and feel a sleeping giant, saying I hurt, I am broken, I have talents, I will rise

Serving is an adjustment to our complacency, it is the difference between the noise of traffic and smell of pollution, to violins who spring breath into music, Serving is the touch of sunlight that brings the paintings of Monet alive.
Serving is breathing, it is running, it is living, living enveloped in the essence of God.

When your heart, stands still, in silence, it hears its beating rhythm, it finds its tempo, it finds its balance when swinging back in forth in motion, it adjusts to the moment, to the moment when life is breathed in.
May we live in acknowledgement of that moment always, allowing our hearts to feel life being drawn out, as God breathes life in to us, we are perfectly matched with the tempo of His heartbeat.

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