On Saturday, Marh, 13th i went to this amazing concert that had been organized by President Funes, in honour of Oscar Romero´s 30th death anniversary. it was such an amazing site to see... the stadium illed with babies, children, youth, adults and seniors...generations upon generations of people that have a reaffirmed Hope everytime they are able to unite when honouring this amazing Man.
i will try to post vids and pictures when i get home. President Funes gave a few words, it was nice to see the government honouring someone that been a symbol of Rebellion for the El Salvadorean government so many years ago.
On Sunday March 14th, i went to a commemoration of the FMLN´s, presidential win...a see of red t-shirts and flags, and again generations gathered together, not just celebrate this anniversary but to remember and celebrate the lives of so many people that fought for freedom so many years ago. i was able to talk to some dignitaries and some veterans of the war. i´ll post pictures soon... such an amazing feeling..not beause of a political party, but because i got to see people united for the cause of Liberation. soo beautiful!
this week i have a few meeting lined up, one with a Mayor of FMLN, with a couple of veterans of the revolution and i will be attending some workshops at the UCA (university of El Salvador) workshops on Justice and Peace, Oscar Romero and the Revoltuion!
i´ll keep you all updated!please keep me in your prayers!!
Mucho Love!
can't wait to get there. we are trying hard to make the schedule work for all of us to be in Santa ana for the 24th. If that isnt possible we will make sure that at least you are there. Blessings